About Us
The Nigerian Women’s Group (NWGM) was established in 2001.
The NWGM was established as a non-political and non-religious body whose mission is to serve our local community as well as our country by representing the interests of all Nigerian women with their families and friends culturally, socially and economically.
What We Do
As a dynamic and vibrant group, we encourage and support the association of various cultural and linguistic groups that make up Nigeria regardless of their ages, marital status or economic circumstances.
We deliver workshops, seminars and events, which create the awareness of and encourage our culture, health and ethnic diversity backgrounds. At the same time we use such events to raise funds for communities and issues outside of our own.
Happy Members
Executive Team
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do you hold your meetings?
Nigeria House, (Appleby House)23, Platt Lane, Rusholme, Manchester, M14 5NE
How often do you meet?
We meet once a month, on the third Sunday of every month. If you join a sub-committee you may be required to meet outside of general meetings.
What time do you meet?
We meet from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.
Are there any fees to pay?
Yes, we have an annual membership fee of £35 and a concession is given for those who are students.
How do I join?
Any woman who is interested in joining our group should contact the General Secretary by email: enquiries@nigerianwomensgroupmanchester.org or complete the Membership form Here
Further Questions
If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us via email or telephone and leave a message.